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Human Zero One NFT Artist collective

1 / 1 NFTs by promising artists for investors and collectors with vision.

We're a group of artists with years of experience in traditional art, and now, we have entered the world of crypto art. We will continue to create new artwork and will always be there for those who collect and invest in our work.

Home: Bem-vindo

Bento Ben Leite

Bento, is one of the most proeminent and provocative artists of his generation in Brazil. He had his work alongside great names such as Adriana Varejão, Cândido Portinari, Lygia Clark, Baril and Hudinilson Jr. He has exhibited in renowned galleries and exhibitions, such as Casa da Cultura da América Latina, 14° Bienal de Curitiba, Hall of the Chamber of Deputies, National Museum of the Republic, Galerias Alfinete and Transarte.

He is a transgender visual artist, Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Brasília. His work is about  gender, violence, love, sexuality and the strength of the tlgbqi+ community.

Bento's paintings were the center of the controverse exhibition “Queermuseu” in Brazil and became the images that represent the exhibition in the media.

His work brought the debate on gender and sexual diversity to the mainstream, marking an extremely important moment in the history of the brazilian tlgbqi+ community and art scene.

Bento's Opensea gallery

Published articles about Bento's paintings and "Queermuseu" exhibition

Bento's Twitter account

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Flah creates collages to express her curiosity about reality and existence. Also to share her experience as a lesbian raised in a homophobic and dysfunctional family.

With many years of marketing experience ranging from product development, cultural event´s production to artist managment, Flah has been a creative mind since birth. She expresses her creativity in several ways such as photography, video production and collages. In her work she uses unconventional material such as wire, burnt paper, rope, eletronic parts, sewing thread, used packing and printed images of unusual origins.

Flah's opensea galleries:

. The basis of reality

. It might hurt

Flah's Twitter account

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Home: Portfólio
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